KELLY WALKER is an Australian multi-hyphenate award-winning filmmaker. Initially, she dreamed of becoming a stripper because she was obsessed with Flashdance, but her mom suggested that an artist track might be a “wiser” choice (ha! in this economy?!) Walker made her first few deliciously bad feature films in her teen years and, upon graduating, was off to Hollywood to go “pro.” And by pro, we’re talking babysitting, rando video editing jobs, and acting gigs for the next ten-ish years.

In 2017, Walker was selected for Australians In Film’s Writers Lab with her screenplay, My Fiona. Walker went on to direct My Fiona which premiered at London's BFI LGBTIQ+ Festival, had an award-winning festival run, and secured a ReFrame Stamp. In 2021, My Fiona was distributed through Freestyle Digital and is available on demand. If you need a good cry, this movie is for you.

Walker was a Semi-Finalist for the Black List and Stowe Story Labs with her Black List Recommended Audrey Hepburn biopic, The Beauty of a Woman. Most recently, Walker wrote the adaptation of The Upside of Falling Down, based on the book by Rebekah Crane, for Embankment Films. Walker’s original screenplays focus on fucked-up people in intimate relationships with a dash of dark humor.

Walker is a member of WIF, AIF, Film Fatales, ULSC & Gotham, and is a 2024 WIF Writer Fellow.


These are a few of my favorite things…